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Resep "LUMPIA BASAH" guaranteed delicious dan Cara Membuat
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Resep quotLUMPIA BASAHquot guaranteed delicious ini akan memandu kamu untuk membuat hidangan lezat dan sederhana di rumah. Dengan langkah-langkah yang mudah diikuti, kamu bisa menyajikan quotLUMPIA BASAHquot guaranteed delicious dalam waktu singkat. Artikel ini juga akan menjelaskan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan, tips memasak yang tepat, serta variasi penyajian yang bisa kamu coba. Ikuti panduan resep cara membuat quotLUMPIA BASAHquot guaranteed delicious untuk menghadirkan masakan spesial ke dapur kamu. Jangan lewatkan resep cara membuat lainnya yang bisa menambah kreasi masakan harianmu ❤️🍽️


  • Koki Tugas Kelompok
  • Waktu Memasak 40 menit
  • Porsi 5 porsi
Cara Membuat
  • 1
    Puree the shallots, garlic, onions, candlenuts and galangal using a grinder.
  • 2
    Slice the jicama into small long pieces, then wash.
  • 3
    Boil approximately 300 ml of water, add brown sugar and a little salt, stir until dissolved and boil. After that, add the sliced ​​jicama.
  • 4
    Cook until the water is reduced or wait until the jicama turns brown over medium heat, then remove from heat and set aside the jicama from the brown sugar water. then, reserve the remaining jicama water.
  • 5
    Pour 2/3 spoonful of tapioca flour into the sugar water then add enough water and stir quickly until it thickens clear or like glue. Remove and set aside.
  • 6
    Don't forget to grind the cayenne pepper if you really need it.
  • 7
    Start cooking, add oil to the frying pan and wait until it is hot. then add the ground spices. stir until the spices are cooked or fragrant.
  • 8
    Beat the eggs, pour in the spices, then stir until scrambled. After that, add salt and seasoning according to taste (to taste), add just a little water (to taste). Add the bean sprouts, jicama and crushed cayenne pepper. then stir until the bean sprouts are cooked.
  • 9
    Prepare spring roll skin then apply glue made from tapioca flour.
  • 10
    After that, pour the cooked bean sprouts into the spring roll skin and top with spring onions.
  • 11
    "Lumpia Basah" are ready to be eaten deliciously. it's very delicious if you eat it when the air is cold, please don't forget to enjoy it...

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